A one-sentence story / film photography book

Written, Photographed and Illustrated by Julia Nicholson

Me: “Hey so- this is either the dumbest idea I’ve ever come up with, or the best one yet.”

Professor: “Hit me”

Me: “What if, for my Senior thesis, I scan all of the ridiculous party film photos I have into a book, digitally paint animals over them so everyone in the photos is anonymous, give each animal a little backstory, and call it ‘PARTY ANIMALS‘?”

Professor: “Oh god… Do it”

I print / sell copies of the full book upon request.

If you’re interested, email

For my senior thesis, I wanted to show off my collection of film photos in a book, but there was one minor…maybe major…issue. I would totally, definitely get sued.

You see, most of the film photos I take have been at parties. There’s no way in hell my subjects would let me plaster photos from nights they probably deeply regret in a book for everyone to see.

So I had to design the book in a way that would keep everyone anonymous, while keeping the essence of the original photos in tact. Enter: the best, and dumbest idea I’ve ever had.